Monday, May 19, 2008

Ari turns 8!

Ari had her 8th birthday this week. She is all excited about Baptism, the "fire" cake her mom made, and presents. All she talked about for 2 mos was Rollerblades. Grandma took the plunge and got them for her, complete with wrist, and shin guards. Ari could hardly contain herself (that is the beauty of Ari). We love Ari so much and couldn't imagine life without her. She sure has brought spice to the last 8 years :)

P.S. I am including a picture of the swords Grandpa gave Kai and Keaton. I think they liked them :)


  1. Hi!

    My name is Sheila Robinson and I use to know your mother when I lived in Spring Valley eons ago. She introduced me to holistic health, and I'll be forever grateful to her for that!

    I was curious as to her whereabouts these days and what she's up to with holistic or quantum health. If you could pass my email address on to her, that'd be great! And congratulations on your beautiful children...soooo sweet!

    With care & gratitude,

    Sheila ;-)

  2. how cute! :) My daughter is about to turn 7...where oh where does the time go, right?
